Allow me to tell you why is not just another Online Marketing blog. Its main purpose is twofold. On the one hand, it aims at providing potentially valuable resources, informed advice, best practices guidelines for online marketers, advertisers, copywriters and other interested parties around the world. On the other hand, this blog serves a very important purpose to its owner, who envisions it as a long-awaited materialization of a long-term personal project. I am a Marketing and Copywriting enthusiast, and my passion is doubled by 4 years of hands-on experience as an Online Marketing Specialist.
The umbrella-concept behind all posts on this website is Online Marketing, but the primary focus is on Content Marketing. High quality content is key in any online endeavor, and marketing efforts have been proved to perform better when proper attention is given to the actual content of the marketing message.
The meaning and basic idea behind the brand choice also bears a double understanding. The play-upon-words is meant to both stand for “the grammar of marketing” (that is, the fundamental principles, ideas, rules, guidelines, concepts behind marketing campaigns) and for the actual promotion of correct grammar (the process of marketing the appropriate terminology, syntax, punctuation etc.). Any type of content that displays this correctness in terms of language and not only is prone to show respect for its audience and, consequently, build trust. It is intuitive and commonsensical to provide high quality content – whether on the company website, on the corporate blog, in a newsletter, on a banner ad or in text search ads. So, why not do our best to actually provide it? The Internet offers innumerable alternatives to what we offer. Let us make our solution/ blog/ product/ service/ institution count!
“Content Is King, and Grammar Is Queen.”